A proper and complete risk assessment to be performed when returning to work.The complete Risk Assessment developed by WISE MOVE SOLUTIONS will be made available. Job tasks can be divided into four risk exposure levels: very high, high, medium, and lower risk. The Occupational Risk Pyramid shows the four exposure risk levels in the shape of a pyramid to represent probable distribution of risk. Most employees will likely fall in the lower exposure risk (caution) or medium exposure risk levels.

COVID-19 spreads in a similar way to the flu. Most persons infected with COVID-19 experience mild symptoms and recover. However, some go on to experience more serious illness and may require hospital care. Risk of serious illness rises with age: people over 40 seem to be more vulnerable than those under 40. People with weakened immune systems and people with conditions such as diabetes, heart and lung disease are also more vulnerable to serious illness.
In order to pro-actively help prevent the spread of infections in the workplace, Employers must do the following:
Train their employees in managing infectious disease in the workplace.
Maintain Physical Distancing as prescribed by current level of Lockdown.
Ensure that the workplace is clean and hygienic.
Promote good respiratory hygiene in the workplace by displaying posters that promote respiratory hygiene, coupled with a combination of other communication measures.
Provide Protective Equipment and clothing where necessary.
Advise employees and contractors to consult national travel advice before going on business trips.
Brief employees, contractors and customers on the importance of staying at home/work from home when:They experience a mild cough or low-grade fever (37.3 C or more).
COVID-19 starts spreading in the community.
Managing COVID-19 risks when organizing meetings and events.

Prevention of infection is key on returning to work with daily screening and reviewing of Symptoms. Awareness by displaying posters of co-workers around you and social distances should be kept as prescribed at indicated the levels of lockdown. Wearing of Protective Clothing and equipment and sanitizing, are very important measures first and foremost. Each Workplace is different however and with a complete risk assessment the following should be implemented. Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls, Personal Protective Equipment Controls

Our all new “Managing infectious disease in the workplace E-learning course” was developed by WISE MOVE SOLUTIONS to deal with the current pandemic we face worldwide. It was updated with the highly infectious COVID-19 Repertory illness, but also deals with other infectious diseases in the workplace. This is very informative high Quality Course and contains all you need to know about managing infectious diseases in the workplace for which you will receive a Certificate of completion after successfully completing assessment in the form of a quiz. More than 26 E-learning courses to do On-Line are available in our E-learning Library.

The intent behind our Health and Safety E-Learning courses are to prevent injuries, diseases or deaths and, in general, to create awareness of Health and Safety considerations. Our E-Learning library is powered by OHS Online and not only does it have some of the best Health and Safety training courses in the world, it is also mobile-ready.

The Health and Safety E-Learning courses can help you improve your safety records, workforce productivity and your overall return on investment (ROI) in Health and Safety. The OHS Online E-Learning courses are just one way, with which, we ensure that your loved ones return home healthy and safe after work by ensuring that all employers, employees and contractors know and understand how to work safely.

The online training courses will ensure your employees and contractors have the knowledge and skills to work safely, as well as ensuring the protection of your company from reportable injuries and lost time incidents. The self-paced E-Learning courses feature knowledge check questions to engage your employees and contractors within the training intervention.

E-learning courses provided:
Managing infectious Disease in the workplace : COVID-19
Accident and Incident Investigation in the Workplace
Contractor management
Diseases in the workplace
Driven machinery
Drug Testing in the Workplace
Effective Contractor Management
Electrical Safety
Environmental Management
Fall Protection
Fire Fighting
Fire Safety
General Driving Safety
Hazardous Chemical Substances in the Workplace
Health and Safety Representative
HIV and Prevention in the workplace
Incident Reporting
Introduction of Planned Task Observations
IOSH Managing Safely Online Course
IOSH Working Safely Online Course
Lifting machine operator safety
Measuring and monitoring
Medical Surveillance
OHS Act For Management
Safe Work Permits
Smoking in the workplace
Vehicle Management
Waste Recycling
Working at heights
Benefits for converting your Safety Training to E-learning
Flexibility: Our courses can be accessed anywhere, at any time, via your desktop computer or your mobile phone.
Cost and Convenience: It is cheaper for both the employer and provider to conduct Health and Safety awareness training via E-learning.
Results and Certificates: Once a course has been completed, the results and certificates are immediately available.
Refresher training: E-learning is an ideal way for the Health and Safety committee members and Health and Safety appointees, who have already completed WISE MOVE SOLUTIONS Health and Safety Courses/ Skills Programme or Qualifications, to refresh their knowledge and stay abreast with the trends in legislation and other Occupational Health and Safety matters.

Toolbox talks are informal group discussions within a workplace regarding specific health and safety issues. Toolbox talks help improve the safety of employees, encourages a greater Health and Safety culture within a workplace and can alert companies to the possible risks their employees face on a daily basis. A toolbox talk revolves around special topics on safety aspects related to a specific job. Meetings are short and about topics such as workplace hazards and safe work practices. During toolbox talk’s workers knowledge are refreshed, safety checks are covered and experienced workers can provide information. Why is toolbox talks important?
Workers get involved in safety matters and reduce safety risks.
New safety rules are introduced and workers are motivated to follow safe operating procedures.
Vital information is provided to workers regarding accident causes and preventative actions.
Planning, preparation, supervision and documentation is emphasized during toolbox talks.
Toolbox talks are also helpful when reviewing company policies and procedures.
Workers are encouraged to share their experiences that can help to review safety procedures in future.
How to conduct toolbox talks?
Schedule the meeting at the beginning of the shift.
The meeting should be at the job site.
The meeting should be approximately 10 - 15 minutes.
Review and discuss the previous meeting.
Discuss current tasks that need to be done.
Safety issues such as the use of personal protective equipment, first aid, hazards and emergency procedures should be discussed.

Daily mandatory Checklists are crucial in controlling the risk in the workplace. Health and safety representatives need to check, record and maintain mandatory checks for effective health and safety practices. WISE MOVE SOLUTIONS provides us with these ready to use checklists to ease the implementation of control measures when returning to work.
Employee Screening Checklist
PPE Face mask / respirator Checklist
PPE Hand Sanitizer Checklist


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